
Editor's blog

ISR is a quarterly journal that aims to set contemporary and historical developments in the sciences and technology into their wider social and cultural context and to illuminate their interrelations with the humanities and arts. It seeks out contributions that measure up to the highest excellence in scholarship but that also speak to an audience of intelligent non-specialists. It actively explores the differing trajectories of the disciplines and practices in its purview, to clarify what each is attempting to do in its own terms, so that constructive dialogue across them is strengthened. It focuses whenever possible on conceptual bridge-building and collaborative research that nevertheless respect disciplinary variation. ISR features thematic issues on broad topics attractive across the disciplines and publishes special issues derived from wide-ranging interdisciplinary colloquia and conferences.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

The extended body of Stephen Hawking

FREE TO READ: The extended body of Stephen Hawking, article from Interdisciplinary Science Reviews Vol. 37.4.

Stephen Hawking is a household name, known by many for his book A Brief History of Time and his extensive work relating to black holes. The Extended Body of Stephen Hawking by Hélène Mialet, published in the recent issue of Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, focuses on the machines, devices, and people who enable him to conduct his work (what Mialet calls his ‘extended body’). 

Mialet held interviews with Hawking, his assistants and colleagues, physicists, engineers, writers, journalists, archivists, and artists taking into account Hawking’s daily activities, including his lecturing and scientific writing.

Read the full press release here: 

Read Mialet’s article for free until 1st March at: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/maney/isr/2012/00000037/00000004/art00006